Go from out of control to confident organisation
The 5 Steps to start organising your overwhelming emails
You’re too busy to read every single email that arrives in your inbox
Emails are a constant part of life, both personal and business, it’s a never-ending stream of messages arriving day and night.
And I know you’ve already wasted time trying a range of different organisation methods and approaches. From ‘zero inbox’ (not something I’ll ever achieve 😅) to email focus time.
- You’re spending most of your time reading every email
- You have to manually move emails to organise messages
- More messages are coming into your inbox every hour
But I am here to help YOU TAKE CONTROL of your emails with options that you already have, with STEP-BY-STEP GUIDES to make it SIMPLE and take the STRESS AWAY.
Even when…
- You’ve got a busy workload
- ‘It’s too technical’
- I’ve tried everything already!
- I don’t want to delete all my emails
- I need to be able to refer back to messages
- I don’t have time to read every email
- What if I miss something important!
You know that you won’t miss that important message
Emails from your clients are easily seen so that you can reply to new and existing business. Important messages stop sitting around hidden in your inbox and are answered and dealt with quickly.
Spend time on what’s important
Emails are organised so that you only need to take minutes looking and dealing with messages. The rest of your time you can now spend on your family or things that will make a difference in your business.
This is all possible. And it’s why I created EMAIL OVERWHELM RESCUE
It’s for people who need to take action, and don’t want to spend hours learning the solution before implementing.
The quick videos take you through each option ready for you to apply it do your emails.
Over 5 modules, pick and choose what you want to learn and implement immediately.
Build up a complete process to suit you and your emails.
Oh, and whether you’re team GMail or team Outlook – this course has you covered!

What’s included:

Module 1 - Mark As Read
Is that number in bold taunting you?
How do you manage the number of unread emails that are sitting in your inbox?

Module 2 - Organise with Folders
Let's get your emails organised, once and for all.
It's about creating something that works for you - today and tomorrow.

Module 3 - Create Automatic Rules
Next it's time to put your email program to work.
Let's start using the built-in tools to do some of the organisation tasks for you.

Module 4 - Save with Electronic Notes
This is my favourite option 😊
Everything is organised in your email program, a single place to look - yay.
But you know that they are still "there", and that can be it's own type of pressure.
Do you really need them in the email program?
What about taking them out of the inbox (or folders) completely?
No, not deleting, but moving them to an another place completely - and they'll be fully searchable as well.

Module 5 - Unsubscribe
It sounds obvious, reducing the number of incoming emails will reduce the overload of messages arriving.
Of course that's easier said than done!
What about the "fear of missing out" (FOMO) - don't worry, I've got you covered with some bonuses just for this course!

Interested in trying out one of the additional programs that been mentioned?
No need to hunt around to find them, instead check out the additional resources to see links to options and additional information.
Hey! Michelle here
Can I be honest with you?
I got into Computer Coaching over 26 years ago, when I discovered that not only did I ‘get’ computers, but friends and colleagues came to me asking ‘how do I’ questions. Even if they’d already asked someone else, when I was explaining the process I could see it making sense to them.
As computers became the ‘go to’ communication tool especially with email, I started to notice that I was spending more and more time dealing with them.
I realised that there had to be a better way to deal with my email.
The programs that we use have so many options built-in that I started looking at how they could work for me, rather than me doing all the work.
My inbox is still pretty full, but now I’ve got systems in place to organise emails, and I don’t need to worry about missing those important messages.
And now? I want the same for you.
That’s why I created EMAIL OVERWHELM RESCUE, to share the tips and tricks that I learnt and put into practice.
Let’s do this!

The part where you double-check if you should buy this
You should definitely purchase if…
- Everything is in your inbox
- You keep missing or losing important emails
- You need tips to help organise your emails
You might want to wait to purchase if…
- You’re email is organised how you like it
- You don’t receive too many emails (perhaps you’ve just started your business)
- It maybe messy but it works for you
What if you could spend less time on email?
Written for Google Mail (Gmail) AND Microsoft Outlook
Lifetime access to the course, including updates/additions
Get your program to automatically file messages with rules
Move your important/useful information into a searchable format (get it out of your inbox)
Unsubscribe to reduce the number of messages without FOMO