Keeping in Contact with Video Calls

woman making heart with hands while having video call

In the not-so-distant past, staying connected with loved ones across the globe meant long-distance phone calls, handwritten letters, or the occasional visit that came with hefty airfare. But today, we find ourselves living in a world where video calls have transformed the way we stay in touch.

Picture this: You’re sipping your morning coffee in the comfort of your home, and with a few clicks on your phone, you’re transported hundreds of miles away to your best friend’s house for a chat. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the magic of video calls. In an age where screens have become our portals to the world, video calls have emerged as our trusty companions for both personal and professional connections.

Video calls are the threads that weave through our modern social fabric, allowing us to bridge the physical gaps that separates us from our loved ones and colleagues. In this article, we’ll dive into the incredible journey of video calls, exploring their rise, the numerous benefits they bring, tips for making the most out of them, and how they’ve become integral in both our personal and professional lives. So, whether you’re a seasoned video call veteran or a novice looking to up your virtual communication game, I’ve got you covered.

So, grab your digital passport, and let’s embark on a journey into the world of video calls, where pixels on a screen translate into cherished moments and valuable connections. After all, isn’t it about time you met your screen with a friendly “Hello” today?

Benefits of Video Calls

In a world marked by constant change and digital transformation, video calls have emerged as a communication tool that’s not just convenient but essential. Let’s delve into the numerous advantages that video calls bring to the table:

Face-to-Face Connection

Video calls provide the closest thing to an in-person meeting. You get to see facial expressions, body language, and the overall demeanour of the person on the other side of the screen. This kind of visual communication helps to build stronger connections, fostering empathy and understanding.

FaceTime is the most popular vide chat app for apple including macbook pro on brown wooden table

Global Reach

Video calls break down geographical barriers. You can connect with people across the world without the need for expensive flights and long journeys. Whether it’s a relative in another country or a business partner on a different continent, video calls make the world a smaller, more accessible place.

Time and Cost Efficiency

Travelling for meetings or get-togethers can be time-consuming and expensive. Video calls save time and money by eliminating the need for transportation and accommodation. This efficiency is especially valuable for remote work, where teams collaborate seamlessly from different locations.


Video calls offer flexibility in scheduling. You can set up a video call at a time that suits everyone, or as close as you can get, making it easier to coordinate across time zones and busy schedules. This flexibility is a game-changer for personal connections and professional commitments alike.

Enhanced Productivity

In a professional context, video calls boost productivity. They allow for screen sharing, collaborative document editing, and interactive discussions, which are often more effective than text-based or voice-only communication. Projects move forward faster when team members can see and hear each other.

Reduced Miscommunication

When communicating through text alone (chat or emails), misunderstandings can easily arise due to the absence of tone and body language cues. Video calls reduce the risk of miscommunication simply because you can see the other person/people and these cues.

Family and Social Connections

In the realm of personal relationships, video calls bring families and friends together. Grandparents can see their grandchildren’s milestones, friends can catch up despite living in different cities or countries, and long-distance couples can feel more connected.

Environmentally Friendly

By reducing the need for physical meetings and travel, video calls contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of communicating.

Record and Playback

Many video call platforms offer the ability to record calls. This feature is valuable for reviewing important information or sharing presentations with those who couldn’t attend the live call. Not forgetting keeping key family/friend memories that can be viewed again and again.

In summary, video calls offer a plethora of benefits, from facilitating global connections to improving productivity and enriching personal relationships. With the rise of digital communication, video calls are no longer just an option; they’re a modern necessity, bringing us closer together in an increasingly interconnected world.

Choosing the Right Platform

With video calls now a fully integrated part of our communications options, the next crucial step is selecting the right platform to host your virtual gatherings. There’s no shortage of options out there, but choosing the platform that best suits your needs can make all the difference. Let’s break down the key considerations:

What you need


The last thing you want is to spend half your call troubleshooting technical issues. Choose a platform that’s user-friendly and intuitive. Look for straightforward sign-up processes, easy-to-navigate interfaces, and minimal hiccups during your calls.


Ensure that the platform you choose is compatible with the devices and operating systems you and your contacts use. Whether it’s a PC, Mac, smartphone, or tablet, your chosen platform should work seamlessly across them all.

Features and Capabilities

Different video call platforms offer various features, from basic video calls to screen sharing, virtual backgrounds, and integrations with other apps. Consider the specific features you need for your calls, whether they’re for business meetings, online classes, or social catch-ups.

Participant Limits

Depending on your needs, check the participant limits of the platform (i.e. max number of people who can join at the same time). Some are tailored for one-on-one conversations, while others can host large webinars or virtual conferences.

Note: You’re not restricted to only one platform. You can choose different ones to suit specific needs.

Platform Considerations

Privacy and Security

In an era of digital privacy concerns, it’s essential to choose a platform that prioritises the security of your conversations. Look for end-to-end encryption and robust privacy settings to protect your personal and sensitive information.


Many video call platforms offer free versions with limitations and premium plans with added features. Consider your budget and needs when deciding if you require a free service or are willing to invest in a paid plan.


Read reviews and ask for recommendations to gauge the reliability of the platform. Frequent crashes or call drops can be frustrating and counterproductive. This was a huge issue a number of years ago, but with all of the increased use everyone has had to improve both security and reliability to still be ‘here’.

Customer Support

In case you encounter issues, having access to responsive customer support is invaluable. Look for platforms that offer prompt assistance, whether through live chat, email, or phone support.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

If you expect participants to join from various devices and platforms, ensure the platform you choose is cross-platform compatible, allowing seamless interaction for all users.

Community and User Base

A large user base often indicates a more stable and well-supported platform. It’s also easier to get friends or colleagues to join if they are already using the same platform.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing the right platform for your video calls. It largely depends on your specific needs and the preferences of your intended participants. Feel free to experiment with a few platforms to see which one aligns best with your requirements.

Whether you opt for the familiarity of Zoom, the professional touch of Microsoft Teams, or the flexibility of Skype, selecting the right platform can elevate your video calling experience and ensure that you and your friends enjoy seamless, trouble-free conversations.

Next, we’ll explore some tips to make the most of your video calls and ensure they are as enjoyable and effective as possible.

Tips for Effective Video Communication

Video calls are fantastic tools for connecting with others, but just like any form of communication (or software programs 😁), they come with their own set of nuances. To ensure your video calls are productive, engaging, and enjoyable, consider these tips:

Before the Call

Test Your Equipment

Before any important call, test your camera, microphone, and internet connection. Make sure everything is working correctly to avoid technical hiccups during the call.

Pro Tip: Don’t leave this until the last minute! Make sure that you have enough time, if there’s a problem, to get the help to correct it!

Choose the Right Location

Select a well-lit, quiet space with a clean and uncluttered background. Good lighting ensures you’re clearly visible, while a tidy backdrop minimises distractions.

Unless you want to make a specific point – holiday decorations, example of bad options (and why).

Familiarise Yourself with Features

Learn the features of your video call platform, such as screen sharing, chat, and virtual backgrounds. These tools can enhance your communication.

Be Mindful of Time Zones

If your call involves people from different time zones, use a time zone converter to schedule the call at a convenient time for all parties or most people.

During the Call

Maintain Eye Contact

Look into the camera when speaking to simulate eye contact. This creates a more intimate connection with your conversation partners.

It’s difficult because you can’t easily see what their expressions are, but when you’re talking, look into the camera, then when you’re listening you can watch the videos.

Speak Clearly and Concisely

Enunciate your words and avoid mumbling. Being clear and concise helps ensure that your message is easily understood.

Pro Tip: Make sure that whatever microphone you’re using is in a good position to pick up your voice. It’s better not to rely on the built-in microphone for your computer (phones and tablets generally have mic’s that are better at picking up audio). If you can, use a headset (headphones and mic) or a separate mic. Check that it’s not picking up your breathing, and mute if you need to cough or sneeze.

I’ve got a colleague who during meetings makes a lot of noises – he never thinks to move the mic away from his face, or mute – for our benefit. Please don’t be that person!

Use Nonverbal Cues

Just as in face-to-face conversations, use facial expressions and hand gestures to enhance your communication. They add depth to your message and make the conversation more engaging.

Stay Engaged

Be an active listener. Nod, smile, and respond to show that you’re engaged in the conversation. This small courtesy can go a long way in making the call more pleasant.

Note: This is something that I need to work on. There was one time I was half pain attention, and then heard my name. I still don’t know what it was in relation to. 😅

Mute When Not Speaking

If you’re in a group call or a noisy environment, mute your microphone when you’re not talking to prevent background noise from disrupting the call.

Avoid Distractions

Minimise distractions on your end. Close unrelated apps, silence your phone, and let others in your household know when you’re on a call to reduce interruptions.

people on a video call the quick and easy option for virtual gatherings
Photo by Anna Shvets on

Practice Patience

Sometimes, technical issues or lag can disrupt a call. Practice patience and avoid getting frustrated, as these issues are often beyond your control.

Record for Reference

If the platform allows, consider recording important calls. This can be helpful for reviewing discussions and ensuring nothing is missed. Or even capturing important moments with family or friends.

By following these tips, you can make your video calls more effective, whether they’re for work, education, or personal connections. Effective video communication not only saves time and fosters relationships but also ensures that your message is delivered clearly and comprehensively.

Staying Connected with Loved Ones

Video calls aren’t just for business meetings or academic pursuits; they’re lifelines that keep us connected with family and friends, regardless of the physical miles that separate us. Here’s how video calls are transforming the way we maintain our personal connections:


Family Gatherings

Video calls have breathed new life into family gatherings. Whether it’s a holiday celebration, a birthday party, or just a Sunday brunch, video calls allow far-flung family members to be present and share the joy.

Long-Distance Relationships

For couples separated by geography, video calls bridge the gap. They offer a lifeline for love and companionship, enabling you to see each other’s smiles and hear each other’s voices, no matter how far away you are.

Celebrating Milestones

Whether it’s a graduation, an anniversary, or a new baby’s first steps, video calls allow loved ones to be a part of the celebration, sharing in the joy and happiness.

Storytime with Grandparents

Video calls aren’t just for adults. They’re a magical tool for kids to stay connected with their grandparents. Whether it’s bedtime stories or just checking in, video calls offer the next best thing to a hug from Grandma or Grandpa.


Friendship Bonds

The camaraderie of friends knows no borders. Video calls make it possible to catch up with your best buddy from college, no matter where they are. Those inside jokes and shared laughter can continue even when you’re miles apart.

Virtual Movie Nights

Why watch a movie alone when you can enjoy it with friends or family virtually? Pick a time, hit play, and use video calls to chat and share reactions in real time.

Support and Comfort

During challenging times, video calls offer emotional support and a virtual shoulder to lean on. When you can’t be there in person, a video call can be a comforting presence.

International Connections

In an increasingly globalised world, video calls help maintain international connections. It’s easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family from different parts of the world.

Easing the Transition

When relocating to a new place, video calls can ease the transition by keeping you connected with your former community. It’s a reassuring lifeline that helps you navigate the challenges of settling into a new environment.

Mental Health and Well-Being

Video calls are instrumental in maintaining mental health. They provide an avenue for human connection, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation, which are particularly important during challenging times.

The beauty of video calls lies in their ability to bring people closer, fostering connections that transcend distance. It’s not just about seeing a face on a screen; it’s about feeling the warmth of a smile, hearing the laughter, and sharing moments in real time.

In this age of technology, video calls are the modern equivalent of a cozy chat over coffee or a family dinner around the table. They keep relationships strong, ensuring that the bonds we cherish remain unbroken, regardless of the physical gaps that may separate us.

So, the next time you feel the pang of distance from a loved one, don’t hesitate to dial in and share a moment through your screen. After all, with video calls, love knows no boundaries.


In the blink of an eye, video calls have transformed from mere technological conveniences into the cornerstones of our modern communication. These virtual face-to-face interactions offer us a remarkable gift: the ability to stay connected, bridge gaps, and maintain the bonds that truly matter in our lives.

Whether you’re using video calls to connect with colleagues for a crucial business meeting, share a virtual meal with family, or simply catch up with friends scattered across the globe, the power of video calls to keep us close is undeniable.

But it’s not just the technology that makes video calls so special. It’s the laughter shared, the smiles exchanged, and the tears wiped away, all through the medium of a screen. It’s the way they let us be there for each other during both joyous celebrations and tough times. In a world that can often feel overwhelming, video calls offer a reassuring lifeline, reminding us that we’re not alone.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital communication, one thing remains constant: the warmth of human connection. Video calls are a testament to our ability to adapt, innovate, and find new ways to maintain our relationships in a rapidly changing world.

So, the next time you’re separated by miles or oceans, don’t hesitate to hit that call button. Share your smile, lend an ear, and let the pixels on your screen carry the love and laughter that make life truly worth living. Because with video calls, the world is a little bit smaller, and the people we cherish are just a screen away.

Next Steps

You’ll noticed that I haven’t included a section about all the applications as I normally would, and that’s because so many of them were in the previous post (Audio Calls).

So that you don’t feel like something is missing, here’s a quick list:

  • Zoom
  • Google Meet
  • Skype
  • WhatsApp
  • FaceTime
  • Facebook Messenger
  • Slack
  • Microsoft Teams

There’s so many to choose from, most with free (but limited) account. Consider what I’ve shared in this post and find the one (or two) that works best for you and everyone you want to speak to.

The important thing is that you make the video call – see and speak to that family member, or a friend that you haven’t seen for a while. Let them know that you’re thinking of them. đŸ„°

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Audio Calls are better than phone for keeping in touch

Keeping in Contact with Video Calls (current post)

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  1. Pingback: Why IM is a great way to stay in contact

  2. Pingback: Audio Calls are better than phone for keeping in touch

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