Taking Learning Out of the Training Room

Outside the Training Room

We used to act like learning, real learning could only happen in a training room. It’s fair to say that was and is wrong. What happens when you take it “out of the training room”?

Although we can’t get into a training room at the moment, it’s never been the only place to learn.

Classic Computer Training Room
Image by Harald Landsrath from Pixabay

Today is a good day to learn

Paraphrase from a Klingon saying

Water Cooler Moments

Some of the best learning happens when you speak to other people, quite often just randomly talking about something.

It could be around a kitchen making a hot or cold drink – just talking to colleagues.

One of you mentions something and some one answers “yes, that happened to me, to fix it we just did XYZ”.

Perhaps you’re getting frustrated with something on you computer – and it’s expressed out loud.

A team colleague offers some help, either a solution or talking around the problem.

Internet Research

This is one that happens to me a quite a bit.

I’m reading or watching something, and then that flash of an idea comes to me.

It can be when you’re searching for the answer, or when you’re not.

Tip – This is where an electronic notebook comes in really handy – my choice is Microsoft OneNote.

Make sure that you record this information somewhere – otherwise you might not find it again. (Been there, done that).

Social Media

If you enjoy ‘virtually’ talking to people, social media is a great place to learn things.

Twitter is one of the platforms that can offer a lot of learning opportunities. Following people who share the same interests, they share things that they find, ideas and experiences that they have.

LinkedIn is another business related platform, and there’s a lot of learning related information available.

Getting Outside

Sometimes just getting outside allows you to clear your head, helping to also clear your thoughts.

Wherever you can walk, whether it’s in the countryside, or just around your home, the movement, “fresh air” and different perspective can have an effect on you.

Next Steps

Have you read How to Get the Most Out of Your Computer Coaching? What should you think about and plan for with your training?

What to have a chat about this? Book a Call with me.

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