I might be known more for Windows tips, but I’m also a long-time Mac user. It’s easy to work out that I also use Microsoft there. With any application, mastering keyboard shortcuts can really improve productivity and streamline your workflow. In this guide, I’ll share the essential A to Z keyboard shortcuts Word Mac.
Why Learn Word Shortcuts on Mac?
If you’re accustomed to using Microsoft Word on your Mac, you might have wondered about the various shortcut keys available. These time-saving combinations can seriously improve your efficiency and make document editing much more straightforward. Let’s explore these invaluable shortcuts, divided into two sections for easier reference.
What’s the difference between Mac and Windows Shortcuts?
The biggest difference for Mac Shortcut Keys is that it uses the Command ⌘ (CMD) key. Microsoft Word does use a range of keyboard options including Control (CTRL) and ALT.

All of the ones listed here use just the CMD key and the relevant letter.
Starting with the First Half: A to M
These are a mix of formatting and editing options. Some you might already know, but there might be a few that are new and useful:
– A: Select all content in your document
– B: Toggle bold formatting
– C: Copy selected text
– D: Open the font formatting window
– E: Centre align your text
– F: Find text within your document
– G: Go to a specific page or section
– H: Access the replace function
– I: Apply italic formatting
– J: Justify text alignment
– K: Insert a hyperlink
– L: Left align your text
– M: Create a hanging indent
Second Half: N to Z
The second half of our shortcut guide includes some popular file options in addition to formatting and editing:
– N: Create a new document
– O: Open an existing file
– P: Print your document
– Q: Remove paragraph formatting
– R: Right align your text
– S: Save your current document
– T: Indent the text to the standard amount
– U: Toggle underlining
– V: Paste copied content
– W: Close the active file
– X: Cut selected text
– Y: Redo your last action
– Z: Undo your last action
Maximising Your Productivity
Learning 26 shortcuts might seem daunting at first, but with regular practice, they’ll become second nature. I’ve found that incorporating even a few of these shortcuts into my daily workflow has saved countless hours of work time.
Remember that these shortcuts are specifically designed for Mac users working with Microsoft Word. If you’re transitioning from a PC or another word processor, you might need some time to adjust to these Mac-specific combinations.
Related YouTube Videos
Essential Mac Word Shortcuts You Need to Know from A to Z
Your A-Z Tutorial to PowerPoint Shortcuts
Want to see them in alphabetical order, then head over to my YouTube Channel for Excel Shortcuts Unlocked: Navigate from A to Z.
Why not watch Complete Guide to Word Shortcuts: From A to Z.
Cut, Copy & Paste – on your keyboard (YouTube Short)
Shortcut key with ALT GR (YouTube Short)
Alt GR Explained: Enhance Your Typing in Word and Google
Discover All the Shortcut Keys in Word
More Keyboard Shortcut Posts
Do You Know That A-Z Of Word Shortcut Keys?
The Complete A-Z Guide to Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: Master Your Productivity
PowerPoint Shortcut Keys You Should Know
Word for Mac Users – Do you know these keyboard shortcuts? (current post)
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